Hotel Bären
Hauptstrasse 128
3852 Ringgenberg
Hotel & Bookings
Sascha Zundel
+ 41 33 822 19 31
Restaurant & Bar
Jasmina Perinotti
Jasmina & Sascha
+ 41 33 822 19 31
Hotel Bären
3852 Ringgenberg, Switzerland
How you find us
from the west
You are traveling by car or by train from the direction Bern. With the car and train you drive till Interlaken. With the bus or the train you reach the village of Ringgenberg. Traveiling with the car, you take the exit on the higway towards Ringgenberg, Niederried Brienz.
from the east
Your traveling from the direction of Meiringen. Take the street or train in direction Interlaken. By car take the exit Brienz on the Highway. Your driving beside the shore of lake Brienz towards Oberried, Niederried and then you reach Ringgenberg. The Hotel is located on the left side on the mainstreet.
By Ship
Your traveling over the lake of brienz. Coming from Brienz or Interlaken. Take the exit Ringgenberg. Take the street to the church. From there you can reach the mainstreet of Ringgenberg. Now follow the street in direction of Goldswil, Interlaken. The Hotel is located on the left side of the mainstreet about 10 min from the boatstop Seeburg.